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Recent Sermons
Luke 2:22-38 - Simeon and Anna testify about Jesus at the Temple
In the post-Christmas pre-New Year gap, one of our elders, Martin Reynolds, is preaching on Luke 2:22-38 - Simeon and Anna testify about Jesus at the Temple
Daniel 5 - God rules in judgement
We’re continuing our series at the 10am service in the book of Daniel - ‘Our God Reigns’, and this Sunday, one of our elders, Martin Reynolds, is preaching on Daniel 5 - God rules in judgement
Psalm 92 - It is good for us to praise God
Over the summer our elders will be preaching from selected Psalms - this week Martin Reynolds is preaching on Psalm 92
Matt 13:44-52 - Parables about the End
We’re continuing our series in Matthew’s Gospel, and this Sunday, Martin Reynolds, one of our elders, is preaching on Matt 13:44-52 - Parables about the End
Matthew 9:18-34 - Look to the King of the Kingdom
We’re continuing our series in Matthew’s Gospel, and this week, one of our elders, Martin Reynolds, is preaching on Matthew 9:18-34 - Look to the King of the Kingdom
Isaiah 65:17-26 - Rejoice in the things to come
This week we're continuing our Christmas mini series in Isaiah and Martin Reynolds, one of our elders, is preaching on Isaiah 65:17-26 - Rejoice in the things to come
Psalm 86 - Why should God answer our prayers?
This week we're continuing our summer series in the Psalms and Martin Reynolds, one of our elders , will be preaching on Psalm 86.