Grace Church Worcester Park

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Upcoming changes to Sundays from September 2024

In His kindness, the Lord is growing us spiritually, in diversity and in number, and as leaders we want to keep up with what God is doing and make changes when necessary to ensure we’re best meeting the needs of the church as it grows. With that in mind we just wanted to update you on some upcoming changes in the Autumn.

Firstly, following a trial of having the afternoon service at 4pm, the feedback we’ve had is that whilst some have liked an earlier finish on a Sunday evening, the majority would prefer us to move back to meeting at 4:30pm, so from September we will be moving back to a 4:30pm start.

Secondly, also starting in September, we are planning to have different sermon series at the 10am and 4:30pm. We recognise the different make up of the two congregations, and we want to do the best we can to meet the needs of each congregation. In the mornings we’ll be looking at the book of Daniel, and in the afternoons, we’ll be looking at 2 Timothy.

Do join us in praying for these changes

  • Give thanks for growth and for opportunities that two sermon series will open up

  • Pray for our unity as one big church family

  • Pray for the Staff team and regular preachers as we double our output