Making Jesus Known

We want to do everything we can to equip, envision and encourage everyday evangelism - and we want to commit ourselves to praying to the Lord of the Harvest. Read on to find some links and resources we’ve put together to help us.

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Wheat and Weeds – One Family’s Reflections on Matthew 13

Lizzie Laferton shares her family’s reflections on the parable of the wheat and weeds… she helps us to reflect on God's sovereignty and patience; and both the urgency of warning about judgment and the joy of inviting others to eternal life with Christ.

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Podcast recommendation: The Suprising Rebirth of belief in God

Could the tide of faith be ready to come in again in our generation?

This long-form documentary podcast presented by Justin Brierley, tells the story of why new atheism grew old and secular thinkers are considering Christianity again. Find out more about this excellent resource…

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Making Jesus Known: God’s Storytellers

History shows us that we humans are story-tellers: From ancient epics to modern-day Instagram reels, from historical tomes to newspapers, we’re always telling stories! How can we grow in sharing God’s story more instinctively and effectively?

“When God’s people bear witness to God’s wonderful deeds in rescuing them, they put on display his unfailing love, and he receives the thanks and praise that he deserves.“

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Making Jesus Known: Look at How Jesus Did It – Part 2

This is the second of two posts where Lizzie Laferton reflects on how Jesus himself shows us that good-news-sharing is hard, hospitable, humble and hopeful.

In this week’s post we’ll consider how good-news-sharing is hospitable, humble and hopeful.

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Seeing Sheep: Some reflections on Matthew 10 - Lizzie Laferton

What might it take for us to proclaim the kingdom message as boldly and fearlessly as the disciples were called to do in Matthew 10? 

Lizzie helps us see the transformative effect of seeing people as Jesus saw them, of looking on people with compassion, of recognizing them as sheep.

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3 Sundays in March - 3 BIG Questions…

At our Christmas Carol services we invited everyone who came to look at a list of six questions and decide on the question they would be most interested in hearing an answer on. For three Sundays in March, starting on the 10th we will be looking at the top 3 questions…

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Good News from Matthew 8-9

Here are some excellent questions that Lizzie Laferton has shared that we can use to go through Matthew’s gospel with others or on our own to help us reflect on who Jesus is and our task of making Him known.

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Shareable Christmas videos

Here’s a quick selection of some great, pithy, well produced videos designed to get people thinking about what Christmas is really all about - be encouraged, and share away!

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Hymns We Love - New evangelistic small group resource

Hymns We Love is a gentle evangelistic series which uses well-loved hymns to explore the Christian faith with seniors. Each session features a beautifully shot video set in a historic English church, and tells the story of the hymn and the gospel message behind it. 

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Bridging a Conversation Gap - Lizzie Laferton

Lizzie Laferton asks the question: “How do I bridge the gap between everyday conversation "in the town" of Sutton where I live – centred as it most often is on the here-and-now, the what-just-happened, the visible-and-tangible – and the glorious how-much-the-Lord-has-done of the Gospel?”

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321 - new evangelistic course from Speak Life

Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations. It’s designed to be something you can share on WhatsApp with your friend following a conversation, or to be done one on one with them, or in a small group. It’s flexible and engaging.

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Gospel At Work

Find out about a network of lunchtime Bible talks, partnering with Christians across London to reach the city with the life-giving news of Jesus:

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Luke 15 - Will you rejoice with me?

Luke 15 - Will you rejoice with me?

Listen to Sam’s Sermon on Luke 15 to hear some more about our great God’s heart for the lost and what we can do to play our part in reaching the lost around us.

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