Psalm 1

The books of Psalms is the longest book of the Bible, made up of 150 poems. But this isn’t just another book about poetry. As with every other book of the Bible, Psalms is about God and his relationship with his people. If you can think of a human emotion, you probably find it expressed somewhere in the prayers of God’s people in the Psalms.

This week…

Psalm 1 tells us what every wise person in the Bible understands – that the righteous people (those who know God) prosper and wicked people (those who ignore God) don’t. This Psalm teaches us what sort of life God says is good and want to encourage us to choose the good life instead of the bad.

We’ll meet together on Zoom on Sunday afternoons (until we’re able to meet in person) - contact Adam for the Zoom invite

Ignite Bible Study

Join in on Zoom from 16:30-17:30


Root Bible Study

Join in on Zoom from 18:00-19:00


Psalm 13


6. God is sovereign