Grace Church Worcester Park

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321 - new evangelistic course from Speak Life

321 is a course that invites you to see life the way Jesus does.

Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations. It’s designed to be something you can share on WhatsApp with your friend following a conversation, or to be done one on one with them, or in a small group. It’s flexible and engaging.

WHY 321?

  • 3 stands for God’s three-ness. This is known as the Trinity. God is three persons united in love.

  • 2 stands for the world’s two-ness. The world is shaped by two representatives. They’re Adam and Christ.

  • 1 stands for our one-ness. By default, we’re one with Adam. Through faith, we can be united with Christ.

WHAT is 321?

321 comprises of 8 interactive video sessions designed to be completed at leisure. Each session is around 20 min long and can be played, paused and accelerated to suit.

Presenter Glen Scrivener leads each session and offers the opportunity to think, question and test different worldviews.